
Showing posts from November, 2017

The effects debate

1) Complete the questions in the first activity box (beginning with 'Do you play violent games? Are you violent in real life?') 1) I do play violent video games e.g. cod and gta but i am not violent in real life. 2) yes i have been influenced to buy a product from tv as it looks appealing e.g. clothing and footwear. 3) no 2) What are the four categories for different effects theories?   Direct Effect Theories,  Diffusion Theories,  Indirect Effect Theories,  The Pluralist Approach 3) What are the examples provided for the hypodermic needle theory - where media texts have been blamed for certain events?  Child’s Play – The murder of Jamie Bulger  Marilyn Manson – The Columbine High School shootings 4) What was the 1999 Columbine massacre? You may need to research this online in addition to the information on the factsheet.  The shooting was done by 2 teenage boys. They had gone on a shooting spree killing about 13 people and wounding more t...

Audience theory 2 - blog tasks

Create a new blogpost called 'Audience theory 2 - blog tasks' and answer the following questions: 1) Social learning theory has been criticised for simplifying the causes of violence in society. Do you think the media is responsible for anti-social behaviour and violence? to extents i do agree but i do not agree aswell. media can influence people to do things such as violent behaviour as it glamours it to make it look good instead of bad.this makes them want to try it and see what effect it  has. On the other hand, it shows the negative sides of anti social behvaiour like gangs, bullying e.t.c and the pressure it has on the victims. 2) How is social learning theory relevant in the digital age? Are young people now learning behaviour from social media and the internet? Give examples. GTA- steal cars  call of duty- shoot people/ join the army  film violence - beat people up   3) Research five examples of moral panic from the last 50 years. To what extent...

Audience theory

Audience theory: blog tasks Hypodermic needle model 1) Read this  Mail Online article about the effects of videogames . How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model? Needle model in this article makes us feel as if its facts and isnt bias in anyway which influences us to believe the information provided which will force a judgement to follow the daily mails opinion. 2) How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case (see Daily Mail front page below) link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone  criticise  this front page?  Daily mail try make the person who has hacked TalkTalk to be influenced by video games and this is the main cause of why he has hacked them. Also, they are trying to imply this child doesn't even leave his room and only socializes virtually and the games he plays for most of the time have lead him to this action. Two-step flow model 1) Summarise the two-step flow model.  In your opinion, is the two-st...

Reformer PowerPoint

In this PowerPoint I'm going to demonstrate which types of people would fit in the category of a "reformer" . I'm going to show 2 examples of a reformer. Example one is of a female who's a uni student and am elderly male.

MIGRAIN October assessment learner response

WWW- There are a few good points in most of the questions but overall they are hidden by the lack of clarity, organisation and focus on the question. EBI- It looks like there is a lack of revision here- no Todovor, no genre  theory. Did you prepare for this? - There is nowhere near enough depth for A level standard... two short paragraphs for question 4 (20 marks) is poor. Did you run out of time? 2) Read the  mark scheme for this assessment  carefully. Identify at least  one  potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment. I didn't analyse the poster clearly to identify the different aspects. further more, i didn't use the correct theory which meant i couldn't relate it correctly back to the theorist.  I didn't focus on one aspect   In question 3 i didn't talk about genre alot and about the audiences. I didn't relate it back to the question i should've written more than 2 paragraphs and relate it back ...